PhoA Help System

Add pictures wizard :: Adding pictures

This page is displayed while adding the selected picture files. The program shows picture addition progress and the number of errors occured. You can watch those errors (as well as pictures were added successfully) afterwards on the log page.

Moreover the thumbnail created for the picture last added is displayed.

  • Picture additiong is performed by a parallel thread; you can interrupt the process only between two pictures being processing, and this slightly slows down the program's response on clicking Interrupt button.
  • You cannot close the wizard window having active picture addition process. You will need to interrupt it using the Interrupt button before you can close the window.
  • Picture addition process performs autofilling the picture data. You can setup the autofill feature in the dialog settings; autofill results can be watched at the log page.


Interrupt By clicking this button you stop the addition process. The button becomes Continue, and by clicking it you resume the process.

On process completion the program closes wizard window (only when no errors occured and settings specify not to show the log when no errors), or advances to the log page.

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See also:

Add pictures wizard
Browse mode
Working in the Browse mode